Move Over Google Nexus 7 We Want the ONDA V711 Android Tablet

The tablet on everybody’s mind in the one grabbing all the headlines recently is Google’s Nexus 7 Jelly Bean tablet and while the Nexus 7 is a good tablet, we know of one which is better and costs only $95!

ONDA are quite a force to be recond with in the Chinese tablet industry as they are known for their high spec, high quality yet low-cost Android tablets which make even the best big brand model pale in comparison!

The ONDA V711 is no different, and for Google the release of this 7 inch Chinese tablet couldn’t be any worse.

While many in the media are ‘wowing’ the Google Nexus 7 for its high specification and low-cost, around $200, I certainly believe the same reports wouldn’t be so rose-tinted if they had gotten wind for the ONDA V711’s price and hardware!

ONDA have given their 7-inch Nexus 7 competitor an IPS screen with a 1024 x 600 resolution, they have also managed to cram in a dual-core AMLogic AML8726-MX cortex A9 processor along with 1GB DDR3 RAM and 8GB of on board storage. Like the Nexus 7 the ONDA only has a front camera, but we really don’t see the need of a rear camera on a tablet anyway.

It’s obvious from the specs that the Nexus 7 will be more powerful thanks to its quad-core tegra 3 chip, however it should be as it costs more than double the $95 asking price for the ONDA V711!

So while Google may think they have the low-cost Android tablet market sewn up, they might want to look again now ONDA are on the scene (ONDA scene?!).

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  1. Fel
    July 30, 2012

    Nice, how does it hold up to the soon to hit the market Ainol Novo 7 Flame?

  2. matt
    July 31, 2012

    which android version is running on this device?

  3. martín
    August 6, 2012

    this tablet is running andoid 4.0.3 and soon 4.1 jelly bean (sorry for my english, i’m a spanish speaker)

    • August 6, 2012

      Yes it should be getting Android Jelly Bean soon

  4. ivan
    August 15, 2012

    Hey Andi,

    All the way from Uganda, East AFrica..thank you for your posts! Love your articles… keep up the great work…

  5. Mike
    August 21, 2012

    Where are you guys seeing this sub 100 dollars? I usually shop at and it is 149 there.

    I have to Ainol products and for as nice as the specs are their hardware QC really is hurting them.

    • August 21, 2012

      Local Chinese prices are usually a lot less than internet resellers.

  6. Mike
    August 21, 2012

    So basically if we are in USA we get stuck with internet pricing 🙂

    DOH im flying to China to get one 🙂

    • August 21, 2012

      Hopefully not for long. Watch this space 😉

  7. Andrew
    October 4, 2012

    I have an onda v140 and I find it very slow – from the outset. I bought a ployer tablet and it whizzes along! Both use 4.0.3. Explanation? I would not buy another onda….

  8. Srilal
    November 3, 2012

    I received a v711 as a gift from a chinese friend. Please let me know how to
    convert the language to english.